Inspirational Thoughts

Strength is nothing more than how we hide the pain

Every one wants happiness no one wants pain, but in order to see the rainbow, you must go through the rain

Judge your success by what you had to give up to get it.

Keep Moving Forward!!!! Walt Disney

And in the end, it is not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln

Learn from Yesterday, Live for today, Hope for Tomorrow

It is not the length of life, but the depth of life. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sometimes the best memories are those you have yet to create

Wisdom is not a product of schooling, but of the life long attempt to acquire it

Fear is the dark room where negatives are developed

You can't do hurdles, if you REFUSE to JUMP!

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, YOU WILL LAND AMONG THE STARS!!!


Don't let the negative people have the most IMPACT in your life!

NEVER give up on anyone...Miracles happen EVERYDAY!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Really!!! Two 5:30's in a day!

So for the past two days, I have been waking up at 5:30 a.m. to try to make the mornings run a little smoother, and hopefully, more productive.  Who would have thunk that there were two 5:30's in one day.  That's just unheard of to wake up that early, completely insane, right? ;-)  Well, lets just say there are benefits to this insane, yet precarious decision.  I get alone time even if its for 30 minutes to an hour, its still complete and utter heaven to be ALONE, that in itself is soooooo worth it.  Other major benefits, the boys might, and I emphasize the might, receive a hot meal instead of the same mundane cereal.  Also, there is the chance to straighten before the tornado hits again.  Hey, I even get a chance to make my bed in the morning now, yes, yes mother, I make my bed now, which James still disagrees since it will be messed up again throughout the night, seems to think there is no real purpose to it.   Oh, oh, oh, almost forgot the most important benefit...I get to Facebook, Pinterest and Blog, what a relief it is to get to focus on my addictions without comments or complaints from the peanut gallery!!!!!  Yay me!

Along with my benefits, I see the boys are receiving them as well, which they may disagree that it's a benefit, but they get to make their beds too.  Isn't that just spectacular?  They, too, are able to get things done such as those dreadful chores.  I get to have the dishes put away and laundry separated in the morning, so I can begin the rest of my daily chores, which in turn means they are learning responsibility and discipline.  What a wonderful idea it is to wake up at that second, or is it the first, 5:30, lets just see if it sticks.     


  1. I wouldn't get up that early unless I had too, which is every day.

  2. Well, I made the HUGE mistake of starting it two days before DAYLIGHT SAVINGS...That's my Lesson Learned this week!!!!
