Inspirational Thoughts

Strength is nothing more than how we hide the pain

Every one wants happiness no one wants pain, but in order to see the rainbow, you must go through the rain

Judge your success by what you had to give up to get it.

Keep Moving Forward!!!! Walt Disney

And in the end, it is not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln

Learn from Yesterday, Live for today, Hope for Tomorrow

It is not the length of life, but the depth of life. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sometimes the best memories are those you have yet to create

Wisdom is not a product of schooling, but of the life long attempt to acquire it

Fear is the dark room where negatives are developed

You can't do hurdles, if you REFUSE to JUMP!

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, YOU WILL LAND AMONG THE STARS!!!


Don't let the negative people have the most IMPACT in your life!

NEVER give up on anyone...Miracles happen EVERYDAY!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What to Do??

Really need to get the boys involved in something now and into something for the summer as well.  I am seriously thinking Tae Kwon Do, for both the boys, which involves a lot of time for both the boys and I, as well as money, but it truly is beneficial for them.  The benefits exceed the price, tremendously, especially for Aaron.  I was also made aware of baseball registration, so the question remains, do both for a little while, or just the martial arts.  The Tae Kwon Do is a monthly expense for at least a year, and the baseball is just a one time fee and last for about 8 weeks.  Is it too much to ask to do both for 8 weeks, or should I just focus on one extracurricular activity at a time.  I know many families do it all, and I really need my boys, active and involved, but also, realized we are not a family that can do it all.  Suggestions???  

To add to that, I really want to sign the boys up for swimming lessons, after baseball season ends.  So should I just accept the fact that karate will be a part of their lives, and consider the other choices their extracurricular activities?  Decisions, decisions!!    

This message is brought to you by the turmoil in my brain, so just humor me.


  1. We do gymnastics. Once your son gets good Gymnastics take over your life. Swimming lessons were worth it. I feel safer going to the pool now.

  2. That's how I feel, I really need them to know the basics...I think I have decided to go with baseball and swimming.
